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Expert Acupuncturist in Largo, FL
In the Largo area, Dr. Haihe Tian of Chinese Acupuncture And Herbal Center is an accomplished acupuncturist. Our physician studied at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, which is a top medical school in China. Dr. Tian has spoken at national conferences for acupuncture and is a board member of the National Acupuncture Association. Dr. Tian also trains budding acupuncturists in the region. Let our highly qualified professional work hard to take care of your health problems.
We'll listen to your needs and strive to design a treatment plan that works for you. We're available Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm, and Saturday, 9am - 2pm. We offer a variety of services related to acupuncture, including:
Visit our doctor at Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center if you need treatment from an acupuncturist. We're located in Largo, FL, and we accept a variety of payment methods for our services. Contact us today to set up a time for your appointment.
Why Choose Us?
- Best Trained Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist In Tampa Bay
- Over 32 Years Experience
- Studied At The Best Medical School In China - Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine
- Chairman Of Many National Acupuncture Organizations
- Followed The #1 Chinese Medicine Expert In The World
- Familiar With Both Chinese & Western Medicine - The Only TCM & Acupuncture Clinical PhD In Tampa Bay Area
- NADA Certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist
- Leading Professor Of Acupuncture In Tampa Bay For Over 18 Years
- Board Member, National Acupuncture Association
- Regular Speaker In All National Acupuncture/Chinese Conferences - Over 300 Events
- Author/Co-Author Of More Than 20 Medical Books
- Author/Co-Authored Articles In More Than 60 Academic Journals
- Started TCM & Acupuncture Field In 1982
- Training Professor Of Most Acupuncturists In Tampa Bay